Skoolhoof se Vergadering Boodskap 15 April 2024


During our previous assembly we spoke about BECOMING THE RIGHT PERSON…and Galatians 6 encouraged us not to become weary in doing good.

1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in SPEECH, in CONDUCT, in LOVE, in FAITH and in PURITY.”

1 Timoteus 4:12: “Niemand mag op jou neersien omdat jy jonk is nie, maar wees jy vir die gelowiges ‘n voorbeeld in WOORD, GEDRAG, LIEFDE, GELOOF en REINHEID.”

During the previous assembly we spoke about not looking to find the right person but striving to become the right person…in other words not to look outwards, but to look inwards (control the controllables). 

Being an ambassador or a good role model to others in the school doesn’t mean you have to be a “goody-two-shoes” or nosy and check up on everybody else to ensure that they are living an acceptable life.  

Wat die bybel van ons vra is om daar, waar ons onself vind op ‘n daaglikse basis, wees ‘n voorbeeld, rolmodel, iemand waarna die res kan opkyk.  

Dit kom daarop neer, dat waneer mense rondom jou, in jou klas, graad, sportspan of vriendekring verkeerde goed doen…iets waarmee ons as skool, en jy as Hermie, nie saamstel nie…moet dit jou so kwaad maak, dat jy jouself nie kan help as om iets te doen daaromtrent nie. Jy tree dus op, vanaf ‘n plek waar jy voel, “jy vat my in die gesig”…”You have a total disregard for what matters to me, what’s important to me”. 

Last night in “Chasing the sun”, Rassie spoke about their mindset on defence. He said it’s like when you are protecting your mom, sister or whatever matters to you from a viscous dog trying to attack them…you will do WHATEVER it takes to protect/defend them. You will have to protect our values, what we stand for and absolutely get rid of what is threatening what we stand for. Speak up, report it…and if that is not possible, distance yourself from it. We all need to have our “Hell no!” moments. That’s when something happens and you can’t help yourself but to say: “Hell no! Not under my watch”  

Mens kyk partykeer na sosiale media en koerant berigte waar skole uitmekaar val en stupid goed gebeur…en dan wonder mens hoe het dit gebeur? Ek sal vir jou sê hoe…dis die kinders in die skool wat dit toelaat…in English they say that you are tolerating it. 

Jy kan nie op ‘n Saterdag op die sportveld, jou hand op jou bors slaan en uitskree “Hermies” en wat ons alles voor staan…maar dan in die aande en oor die naweek gedra jy jouself soos ‘n vark nie. Dis wat mens noem ‘n twee-gesig, dubbele standaarde. Kom ons wees die “Real Deal” …all day long, the whole day long. Die liedjie wat ons al ‘n paar keer gesing het “This little light of mine” praat van elke dag van die week Monday – (all the way) -Sunday. 

Let 1 Timothy 4:12 be written down somewhere in your diary, a book or against your wall to remind you…the youth of today, but also the future of this country, is to set an example in speech (the way we talk – including on social media), in conduct (the way we behave), love, faith and purity.   


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you once again for this wonderful opportunity to be at this amazing school. Help us to represent YOU and the school well, every day of the week. Thank you for these wonderful boys and girls we have at this school as well as these inspirational teachers. We are so privileged and just want to express our gratitude towards you for all we have and receive from you on a daily basis. Bless us through this upcoming week and help us to add value everywhere we go.


Mr MJ Smuts


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