Skoolhoof se Vergadering Boodskap 21 August 2024

Hermie MAGIC and LOVE

During sing-songs we chant, “We’ve found LOVE in a Hermies’ Place…and it always feels good, we just can’t deny.”

We spoke last week about you being able to do ALL these wonderful things at school and achieving these great accomplishments, but without LOVE, they really don’t have substance and mean very little.

Nou, ek wil eers begin deur vir julle te sê hoe ongelooflik TROTS ek was en is op julle! Wat ‘n naweek en wat ‘n week het ons nie gehad nie. Soos ek Vrydag by die Capping Ceremony gesê het: “My hart klop tjoklits en my beker loop oor!” I…have found LOVE in a Hermies’ place! Ek kan onomwonde verklaar dat ek absoluut geabsorbeer is en dronkgeslaan is deur die Hermie Magic and Hermie Love wat ek hier ervaar en beleef het. Die naweek was weereens ‘n bewys dat ek op die regte plek is en ek hoop jy voel dieselfde. Ek gaan netnou so bietjie meer sê oor die afgelope naweek.

This week we focus on Gratitude & Appreciation! (Dankbaarheid & Waardering)

The previous Principal of this school, Mr Hassenkamp, made the following statement that made me think:

“How do we keep a sense of values when there are so many influences out there encouraging our children to believe that pleasure is paramount and entitlement is the norm.

To what extent are we as staff and parents present and available to our children without engendering a sense of entitlement?

When I have an experience like we have had this past week and weekend, I experience a DEEP sense of gratitude and my cup is overflowing. Because it happens once a year, and every year, we may very easily think that it’s a given and that we are entitled to this awesome experience. But we have to acknowledge that there were so many people involved who made this experience possible and who made it the success that it was. The joy and the abundance of the feel-good moments and memories built, were quite obvious to me. I want to remind you of another quote that says,

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life, is the foundation for all abundance.” 

Ons gaan later vandag tydens die saal byeenkoms iemand ‘n geleentheid gee om dankie te sê en dankbaarheid uit te spreek…so ek wil nie nou te veel in die details ingaan nie.

‘n Dankbare mens is ‘n gelukkige mens en ‘n gelukkige mens is ‘n dankbare mens. Ek wil julle uitdaag om vandag jou dankbaarheid teenoor ‘n paar mense uit te spreek. Nie net gaan jy hulle laat beter voel oor hulself nie, maar JY gaan beter voel oor JOUSELF. As ‘n bonus…gaan die persone vir wie jy dankie gesê het volgende keer dit WEER en BETER doen! Begin vandag by die huis met jou Ma en jou Pa en sien wat die reaksie en uitkoms is. Dan kan jy dit uitkring na die skool en die personeel…teaching and non-teaching staff and then the community.

What a wonderful place this will be when everybody in this community shows their appreciation for each other and expresses their gratitude. Then, this will truly become paradise, and we will be able to find LOVE in this Hermie place.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for each and every one of these pupils and staff members that You have placed in this school. You know each and every one of us, hence, you have put us all together in this very special and beautiful school. Help us to embody, reveal and display the LOVE that we get from You and now, help us to add GRATITUDE to it. We are forever grateful for Your presence in our lives and pray that You will guide us through this coming week. We pray this in Your powerful name.


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