Skoolhoof se Vergadering Boodskap 9 July 2024


Luke 12:48 “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Waneer ek my jongste laaitie in die bed sit in die aande, het ons ‘n roetiene, waar hy vir my sê wat was sy lekkerste en wat was sy slegste vir die dag. Die slegste gee mens die geleentheid om dan te bid vir hulp, ondersteuning en beskerming teen hierdie slegte goed. Die lekkerste gee mens die geleentheid om dinge op te noem om voor dankie te sê en mens baie bly oor kan wees. Dit is egter ‘n reaktiewe benadering…die lewe gebeur en jy is of bly of hartseer oor wat gebeur het. 

In order for us to grow, we will have to be more intentional in what we do. One of my favourite sayings is: “Don’t let life just happen to you, make things happen”. Be intentional in what you want to do, and then make it happen! Take time a find out what your talents are, your passion, your interests, your skill set and most importantly, the opportunities that are available in your life. Try to improve and get better. There was a smart guy Jim Rohn who said: “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight”  

You must go out of your way to seize growth opportunities, opportunities to improve, as if your future depends on it. Why? Because it does! Growth and improvement don’t just happen – not for me, not for you, not for anybody. You have to go after it!

Ons kan almal terugkyk na die afgelope 2 kwartale en self besluit of ons gegroei het, of jy ‘n beter weergawe nou is in vergelyking met jou Januarie weergawe. Fisies het jy dalk gegroei…jy kan self maar besluit of dit ‘n goeie of slegte ding is, maar meer belangrik is, is jy ‘n VERBETERDE weergawe van jouself? Maak jy ‘n positiewe verskil in die skool en in jou vriendekring? Is die mense rondom jou beter af omdat JY deel is van hulle lewe? 

I want to finish off with a last saying: “You must know yourself to Grow yourself”. Be honest with yourself and decide what you want to do better this term, what do you want to grow/improve this term…it can be your academic performance, involvement in an extramural programme, your personal relationships, being more committed. Dream a little, do something, but for heaven sake, don’t be stuck in auto-pilot. Tap into your passion, because it gives you the E&E factor…Energy and Excellence!

Boys and girls, lets be intentional about our growth this term and for the rest of the year. You can either be happy to cruise on auto-pilot or become better at what you do, who you are and add value to the school and the people around you, because your quality of life depends on it!


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for bring us all back safely from a 3- week holiday. Thank you for allowing us to be well-rested and energised for this coming term. Help us to grow intentional and to improve…and where we fail we know that you can and will succeed. Help us not to try and predict the future BUT to create the future through our prayers…which we know is the difference between letting things happen and making things happen. Please guide us through this term so that we can become better at what we do and who we are and that each Hermie will flourish this term.

Good luck with the term ahead and make us all proud! 


Mr MJ Smuts


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