WELCOME to Twenty-Twenty-TRIVE! (2025)
Psalm 90:17
Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our
hands; yes, establish the work of our hands!
Die jaar 2025 gaan vir seker ene wees waar ons as skool, en jy as individu, gaan
FLOREER! Ons gaan die ligte uitskiet, ons gaan die grense, van wat van ons
verwag word, vergroot, en die invloed wat ons, op mense met wie ons in aanraking
kom, ook vergroot.
As jy jou skeppingsdoel najaag, kan ek jou verseker, sal die Here jou seen en sy
guns oor jou lewe verseker. Hy het jou dan geskep vir hierdie spesifieke doel!! Met
sy hele hart wil Hy hê dat jy suksesvol sal wees daarin…of dit nou deel van jou plan
is of nie, die Here gaan seker maak jy floreer!
So let’s talk about thriving, not just surviving in the year ahead.
(1) Firstly, embrace adaptability. We are living in a world that is changing faster than
ever and success will come to those of us who can learn, unlearn and relearn. I am
actually not talking about your academic programme here, although in some subjects
it might apply. Stay curious and try new things and welcome challenges as an
opportunity to grow, which will cause you to thrive and flourish.
(2) Fokus op veerkragtigheid (resilience). As ek dink aan veerkragtigheid dink ek ook
aan “bounce back” soos ‘n “spring”. Die lewe gaan vir jou “curveballs” gooi en jou
vermoë om terug te keer daarvan met veerkragtigheid gaan jou sterker en beter
maak…en jou in staat stel om te floreer.
(3) Set clear goals and take action. Dream BIG but, remember to set small realistic
goals as steps in order to achieve lasting results. Whether it is in excelling in your
studies, sport, culture, greater involvement in the Service pillar…take ownership of
your growth.
Just remember that thriving is NOT about perfection, its about progress, purpose and
Kom ons maak 2025 ‘n jaar van verbetering en uitmuntendheid want dan gaan die
finale uitkoms wees…twenty-twenty-THRIVE!
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for every situation that you have put us in, to make us
more resilient and stronger, in order to prepare us for other challenges that we may
face and to help us grow. Like David and many other people in the bible did, we can
face any gigantic challenge with confidence, because You are on our side and you
want us to thrive. If you are for (and with us), who can be against us. Help us to be
intentional in terms of improvement and thriving.
Thank you for this great school and all the many opportunities that we have on a
daily basis. Help us to appreciate and embrace this and to be good ambassadors for
you and the school.