Skoolhoof se Vergadering Boodskap 22 July 2024


Commitment / Toewyding of verbintenis

Ek is die afgelope paar weke, veskeie kere, teleurgestel deur mense in ons skool, wat nie deurgevoer het op hulle aanvanklike ooreenkomste nie, hulle verbintenis tot ‘n saak en hulle “lack of commitment”. Soveel so, dat ek besluit het dat die skool nodig het om vandag te hoor dat ‘n ware HERMIE ‘n persoon is wat toegewyd is…somebody who is committed. 

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” 

Psalm 37:5 “Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and he will do this.”

It is quite obvious for me to see that commitment is a characteristic that is quite important to the Lord. Now I want to discuss this very important concept and value that is integral to every success story and great achievement in our lives…and that is commitment!

Commitent is die gom wat ons drome en doelwitte bymekaar hou. Commitment is die dryfkrag of selfs die plofkrag wat ons vorentoe dryf waneer dinge onseker is, die uitdagings baie-en-gereeld te voorskyn kom. Nou commitment /toewyding/verbintenis is MEER as net ‘n belofte of ‘n verandwoordelikheid…dis ‘n vaste, aanhoudende toegewydheid om jou doel te bereik. 

When we commit to something, we are not just expressing a desire; we are making a pledge to ourselves and to others that WE will see it through, no matter what challenges may come our way. The Olympics are starting in 4 days time…consider the athletes who train tirelessly, day in and day out, to achieve their peak performance. Their success is not JUST a product of their talent, but of a relentless commitment to their sport, which-ever-sport it may be. There is a picture doing its rounds on social media where Usain Bolt says: “I trained 4 years to run 9 seconds (or should we say sub-10 sec). Some people don’t see results in 2 months and they give up.” There is an African proverb that says: “If you want to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by removing stones today.” Yes, Rome was not built in a day, but everyday, a brick was laid. Keep laying those bricks, because lack of patience might become your worst enemy. 

Die jonger generasies, insluitend die jeug van vandag, lewe in ‘n wereld van “instant gratification” …’n kits oplossing! Nou ongelukkig, het “Commitment” ‘n tweeling broer wat nie baie gewild is nie, en sy naam is opoffering (SACRIFICE).

You will NOT be able to stay committed if you don’t sacrifice along the way. To be committed and successful, you will have to make some sacrifices like…sleep, what you eat & drink, social habits, friendships, binge-watching-Netflix and many more. Commitment is NOT without its challenges. With sacrifice, it also requires discipline and sometimes courage to make difficult decisions, it demands that we stay the course, even when the going gets tough, self-doubt sets in and distractions are all over the place. 

But the rewards of commitment are immense. It builds a sense of purpose, fulfilment and achievement. It builds character, resilience and strength. Just remember that commitment is a journey, not a destination. Let commitment be the driving force that propels us towards our dreams and the light that guides us through the darkest of times and moments. 

Many people are keen on winning and being successful, but very few are willing to do what it takes (sacrifice), to be part of a winning team. 

May each and everyone of you stay committed to all the school activities that you are part of, whether it is your sports team (even if it is the C, D or E team), the choir, the debating team…and something we will get to in a moment, your studies, your commitment to academic excellence! As a HERMIE, commitment and integrity go hand-in-hand. If you said you are going to do it, you do it and you do it all the way to the end! Because that is our DNA…we can rely on each other to be and stay committed. 


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that we know that you have stayed committed on the cross for us, you did see it through, even though the temptation was there not to see it through. Help us to follow your example and be committed and reliable. Help us to find some joy in the discipline of staying committed, whatever it may be. Thank you for the huge rewards at the end of the journey of commitment. Help us to remain patient and energised when the challenges come our way.

Thank you for this wonderful school that are blessed with talented and committed pupils and staff in abundance. What a privilege.


Mr MJ Smuts


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