It is your moment to shine!
Isaiah 60:1
‘Arise, from spiritual depression to a new life, shine, be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the LORD; for your light has come, and the glory and brilliance of the LORD has risen upon you.’
It is like this BIG spotlight is shining on you and it is your moment to shine!!
We are halfway through the year and for some, it might be even the start of…winding down towards the end of the year. I want to use a sport example to illustrate how I see the rest of this year. The 800m event during an athletics meeting is an awesome event and a very tactical race. It means that you have to pace yourself. You can’t go at 100% during the first lap, because you will run out of steam/gas during the second lap. The first lap is all about pacing yourself which means going at about 60-80% until you are somewhere in the bunch and then you get a rhythm that works for you.
While settling into this rhythm, you observe who are running in front and around you; what challenges you might face during the second lap; you check in with your legs, your lungs, your plans for this race and all of a sudden you reach the end of the first lap and the bell goes!
When you hear that bell, you shift into a different dimension: the business end of the race has started! Some are holding on for dear life and might not even finish, but all the contenders will move to the front and showcase all the hard work that they have done building up towards this race during the season. Those who have a plan and those who have really prepared well, usually end up winning this very exciting race. BUT, you have to have a plan, do the hard work in preparing for the race and then execute the plan!
Nou hoe kom ons van 800m tot by Hoërskool Hermanus? Dis maklik…die eeste twee kwartale is verby, ons is nou halfpad. Ons het ons posisie gevind en ‘n ritme wat werk. Ons het die uitdagings geïdentifiseer. Die eerste rondte van 2023 in Hoërskool Hermanus is so pas verby, die klok het gelui en ons beweeg in ‘n ander dimensie in! Daar is ongelukkig ‘n paar wat nie die eerste helfde van die jaar “slim gehardloop” het nie en kan heel moontlik nie klaar maak nie. Die meeste van julle het egter ‘n plan, en indien nie, kan jy nog vining een aanmekaar slaan. Nou, net soos met die 800m, as jou tweede rondte nie beter as jou eerste rondte is nie, gaan jy heel waarskynlik nie wen nie. Jy moet ‘n plan hê, jy moet hard werk en voorberei om die plan te laat werk EN dan moet jy jou plan uitvoer.
Vir meeste van ons, is die plan en wedloop, ons akademiese prestasie en vordering. Vir ander mag dit dalk hulle sport wees, vir ander is dit dalk ‘n ander vaardigheid wat ontwikkel word en verbeter word. My uitdaging aan elkeen van julle vandag is dat jou tweede rondte, of tweede helfde van die jaar, ‘n verbetering op die eerste helfde van die jaar moet wees.
I want to remind you of our scripture reading that says in plain Hermie language: “The spotlight is on you boy! (girl)…make it count”. The Lord wants to give you a push, but you have to get onto the bike. Otherwise the Lord can’t give you a push in the right direction.
Let’s all embrace this exciting 3rd term with the knowledge and conviction from scripture, that if we commit to giving it our ALL, that we will get the Wind from behind…and that’s a promise from the Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for being the fuel in our tanks, for being the endurance in our race, for being the innovation in our thinking and for being the Lord of our hearts. Help us and guide us through this exciting and demanding 3rd term and remind us of your presence on a daily basis. Help us not to lose momentum through this term. Help us to remember the great privilege and responsibility to be part of this awesome school.
MJ Smuts