Skoolhoof se Vergadering Boodskap 12 August 2024


Reading: James 1:2-4

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,

3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

4 Let perseverance finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Elkeen van julle wat hier voor my sit kom NIKS kort nie! Ek sê dit want die bybel sê so…alles anders wat ons voor wens, is ‘n bonus! En daar is niks fout daarmee om te wil verbeter en ‘n beter weergawe van jouself te wees nie. Die beter weergawe van onsself vind plaas waneer ons die lewe vierkantig in die oë kyk, die beproewinge en uitdagings oor ons pad kom, die lewe onregverdig is en ons ‘n taai klap van onregverdigheid gee. Dan moet ons leer om aan te hou en deur te druk…deursettingsvermoë is wat nodig is. Want onder druk word ons gevorm tot die eindproduk wat ons moet wees. 

I call it the moulding and unfolding process. So, life is all about the journey and striving towards the “end-destination”. Perseverance is part of life and we need to embrace it. In an everchanging world, perseverance is one of the most important qualities in life for success…We saw the end of the Olympics that took place yesterday. One of the last events was the woman’s marathon. Some ladies didn’t have a great race and stopped. But there was one lady who refused to give up and kept going. She was runner nr 80 and finished almost to hours after the winners. But she persevered and never gave up. The commentator told the story about another runner many years ago who also struggled, fell and was bleeding and finished about an hour after the 2nd last runner and they asked him: “Why didn’t you bail out of the race?” and he answered: “my country sent me over 7 000km to the Olympics to FINISH the race, not to start the race” which reveal SO MUCH about his mindset and the quality or should we say the value of perseverance that was alive and well within him.

‘n Finale gedagte rondom die eienskap van deurstettingsvermoë en om deur te druk. Prof. Pieter Kruger, die Team South Africa Sielkundige wat saam met hulle na die Olimpiese Spele is, noem die volgende: “Moenie jou selfwaarde meet aan jou prestasie nie, want prestasie is vlietend. Maak seker jy gee aandag aan ou menswees.” Onthou net, een jaar wen jy, later mag jy dalk verloor…en hoe hartseer dit ookal mag wees, dit gaan NIE jou selfwaarde bepaal nie, anders gaan jou hele lewe ‘n roller- coaster rit wees. Prestasie is vir ons almal belangrik, maar dis ons volle menswees wat ons defineer. Die Here stap ‘n paadjie saam met elke een van ons en skaaf en poleer ons soos Hy goeddink sodat ons elke dag beter as gister kan wees. Die Here wil hê daar moet ‘n onwrikbare gees in ons wees om aan te hou, deur te druk en om aan te hou om te verbeter…maar ook, dat Hy alreeds so lief vir jou is, as wat Hy kan wees. Hoor dit, glo dit…want dit is die waarheid.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the privilege to be blessed with many talents and opportunities at this school. Help us to learn how to persevere without losing hope, but to see and experience it as a process that you are in charge of…one of you moulding and shaping us into Your master piece. A master piece of which you can be proud! 

Thank you for the privilege of being a Hermie with all the good that comes with it. Help us to refocus ourselves to finish the rest of the term well and to make you proud.


Mr MJ Smuts


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