Principle Assembly Message 15 January 2025

Pathway Through the Wilderness

Assembly 15 January 2025

Isaiah 43:19-21
“I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the
dry wasteland…”

“Pathway in the wilderness and rivers in the dry wasteland” Hierdie is nie
KLEIN goedjies nie, dis ENORME dinge! Soos hulle in engels sal sê
“Buckle up” of “Strap in”. Hier kom groot dinge!
Die Here sê vir ons…dinge gaan nie die boring ou selfde goed wees in
2025 nie. Dinge gaan GEBEUR!
As jy die “same-old” boring soek, doen dinge op jou eie. As jy aksie-
belaaide avontuur soek, doen dinge met die Here aan jou kant…He
makes a pathway through the wilderness and creates rivers in the
dryland. He is awesome…and if you allow Him, he will take you with Him
on the adventure that He has planned for you in 2025. The choice is up
to you and your attitude!

Jy moet intensioneel wees en kies hoe jy die jaar gaan aanpak.
Wees vol selfvertroue en glo in jouself en die skool! Jy kan en
MOET ‘n beter jaar as laas jaar hê…glo net in jouself. Dis soos die
muis wat saam met die Olifant oor die brug stap en na die tyd sê
die Muis vir die Olifant: “Sjoe, maar het ons twee het nou daai brug
laat bewe”

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for bringing us all back to Hermanus
High School after the holidays. We are truly lucky and grateful to be
part of this wonderful school. Help us to sign up for a year of
adventure with you, excitement at school and our best year yet, at
Help us to be intentional in how we approach this year and that we
know that you have the best planned for us.

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