Are you an enthusiastic and dedicated educator in search of a fulfilling career opportunity? Hermanus High School is actively recruiting qualified individuals to assume pivotal roles within our academic community.
Geography Teacher
Hermanus High School is a co-educational, dual-medium (English and Afrikaans) school seeking to appoint a dynamic and passionate teacher with appropriate experience at high school level, to a Geography teaching position.
BEd degree or diploma in Education (4-years) or 3-year degree and Post Graduate certificate in Education
Fully bilingual (English and Afrikaans)
Computer Literate (MS Office)
Knowledge of CAPS, planning, assessment, moderation and intervention
Involvement in extra-mural activities will be to your advantage.
Complete CV
Matric Certificate
ID document
SACE Certificate
Certified copy of academic results
At least two contactable references
Die Hoërskool Hermanus is ’n dubbelmediumskool (Afrikaans en Engels) wat ’n dinamiese en passievolle onderwyser met gepaste ondervinding op hoërskoolvlak in ’n Geografie-onderrigpos wil aanstel.
B.Ed.-graad of onderwysdiploma (4-jaar) of 3-jaar-graad en nagraadse onderwyssertifikaat
Ten volle tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels
Rekenaargeletterd (MS Office)
Kennis van CAPS, beplanning, assessering, moderering en intervensie
Betrokkenheid by buitemuurse aktiwiteite sal tot u voordeel wees.
Volledige CV
Gewaarmerkte afskrifte van akademiese uitslae
Ten minste twee verwysings wat gekontak kan word
The Chairperson, Hermanus High School Governing Body
Aansoeke kan gestuur word aan: Die Voorsitter, Hoërskool Hermanus Beheerliggaam
email to | e-pos aan:
Closing date for applications | Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 4 December 2023 / 4 Desember 2023
Appointment date | Aanstellingsdatum: 1 January 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.
General enquiries | Algemene navrae: Mrs Luyt – | 028 312 3760
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The school reserves the right to not make an appointment. Slegs kandidate op die kortlys sal gekontak word. Die skool behou die reg om nie ’n aanstelling te maak nie.
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We are committed to develop the full potential of each learner, inspiring them to follow their dreams.
Situated in the heart of Hermanus, our staff, parents and pupils strives to ensure unity and the potential of both educators and learners are exceeded.
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