Dramatic Arts

The drama department is a vibrant component of the school

Learners can take Drama as a component of the subject Creative Arts in Grades 8 & 9 and can continue with Dramatic Arts in grades 10-12. Learners who take the subject visit the theatre and attend workshops on a regular basis. Every year the gr 10-12 learners attend Die Woordfees in Stellenbosch.

  • The SIT (Schools inter-Theatre) competition takes place every year. The different inter-house colour groups compete against each other. Each house has to produce their own play and the competition is fierce. 
  • The Drama department produces a few plays every year and it is a highlight for the senior Drama students as it creates a feeling of camaraderie among the learners. Learners perform at the annual Shakespeare School Festival with productions from post-apocalyptic Hamlet to an all-female cast in Queen Lear. Hermanus often takes part in the ATKV Tienertoneel as well as the local Kalfiefees. In 2023 Hermanus performed Skroot (about the aftermath of a school shooting) as well as Dreamstate (a poetry programme) at the Kalfiefees. Dreamstate was also performed at the Montagu Festival.
  • Students also take part in various eisteddfods including the Overberg Eisteddfod with learners receiving many accolades. In 2023 a grade 11 learner, Jana Marais, was awarded the best dramatized Prose and senior bursary award for the best performer in her age group at the Cape Town Eisteddfod.
  • The school regularly performs a large-scale musical with many participants. In 2022 the  production was All Shook Up and in 2023 it was Thank you for the Music.

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