Principal’s Assembly Message 5 February 2024

Thunder Bolts and Lightning

John 8:12 – “Once again, Jesus spoke to the people and said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” 

What a great song we just sung and how appropriate after the weekend we had. 

LIGHT = goodness, happiness, blessings, positivity…

DARKNESS = unhappy, depression, negativity 

When I drive my bakkie at 80km/h, I don’t feel that I am getting the full value and force that it can produce…I am not getting return on investment.  When you go to these warterparks with all the slides, you get these mild and easy rides & slides, but then there is always that ONE slide which is the highest and has almost a vertical drop, very scary, but if you haven’t gone down that one, you haven’t had the full experience…

Now the Lord says Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” and we said the light is goodness, happiness, blessings, positivity and…dare I say, the thrill of excitement! Hence, “walking in the light of GOD”. There is one very specific word in the song and the scripture, a VERB (not a feeling but an act of your will) …walking and following…it requires ACTION! In life and at Hermanus High School, you will NEVER get the full experience, if you don’t get stuck in and involved in all the many activities we have on offer. 

Saterdag was een van daai dae…Dit was “thunder bolts and lightning” …letterlik en figuurlik. Soos die van julle wat daar was kon sien, ons TEMA was “Hermies on FIRE” …en o genade!…ons was “on fire”…soos een van die liedjies wat ons gesing het sê “Vuur op die water”. Waneer ek sê ons was “on fire” vewys ek natuurlik na hoe ons Sing-Song-ers heeldag gesing en gedans het met deursettingsvermoë, asook die atlete op die baan & veld, maar baie meer as dit, was die “show” of produk wat ons Saterdag aangebied het. Vanaf die onderwysers, kinders wat gehelp het met toerusting rond skuif, medaljes oorhandig, ouers wat ten volle by die verkope van die PTA deel was, ons ground staff wat die fasiliteite skoon gehou het, tenspyte van baie uitdagende weersomstandighede. Die vele komplimente wat ek gekry het oor die kinders se goeie manière en hulpvaardigheid, maar ook die trots oor julle voorkoms en hoe julle help waar nodig sonder om gevra te word. Ons het selfs aan die einde van die byeenkoms ‘n paar “crazy” onderwysers en kinders gehad wat gedink het dis swem gala wat in die plasse water geduik het op die atletiek baan…en wou toe nog iets sê daaroor, maar toe onthou ek wat ek gesê het van…”maak of jy mal is en doen alles”. Vir die van julle wat daar was deur die dag maar veral die wat daar was tot die einde toe die dag, het dalk die stoom en mistigheid so uit die grond sien opstyg…want toe ek die middag so bietjie terug staan en die paviljoen sien ruk-en-skud, die atlete sien hol, gooi en spring, personeel wat rond skarrel om dinge te laat werk…toe staan ek terug in verwondering en sien dit weer…die gesogte HERMIE MAGIC! 

Now if you weren’t there, I am very sorry for you. I assume that it was by choice and not circumstance. Then, all that we, who have been there on Saturday, can say in disappointment…”Hulle wetie wat ons wetie” They didn’t experience what we have experienced and hence, they have not experienced the full force of Hermanus High school’s HERMIE MAGIC. 

I am not saying that if you weren’t there, you are not walking in the light of God, but those who were there, have definitely experienced the fulfilment and joy of singing, jumping, running, throwing and walking in the light of God.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for all the talents that you have given us. Thank you for blessing us with so many opportunities to go and express ourselves and to experience the thrill of taking part, whether it is practicing, playing matches, rehearsing or just serving the community. Help us to walk in the light of God in order to experience and fulfil your all-inclusive plan for our lives. 

Thank you for this wonderful school and all 1010 individual learners in this school, as well as the 50 teachers and 25 non-teaching staff. We are blessed beyond measure, and we give you all the glory.


Mr MJ Smuts


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