Principal’s Assembly Message 4 September 2023

God’s handiwork

Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

We are starting our test series tomorrow, for those of you who don’t know it by now. That will require from you to be at your best in terms of commitment, proper planning, discipline and avoiding distractions.

Soos met enige sport, kulturele aktiwiteit of enige uitdaging wat oor jou pad mag kom, MOET jy in jouself glo om te kan presteer daarin. Jy moet verkieslik oorloop met SELFVERTROUE en in jouself en jou vermoëns glo, indien jy wil goed doen in wat jy van plan is om aan te pak.  

Without positive reinforcement you won’t be driven from within. You don’t want to study because of a fear of failing, although that does happen as well. But you must WANT to do well. And that doesn’t mean reaching the Top 10 necessarily, but at least doing BETTER, better than the previous time, in order for there to be improvement.

“Be disciplined in pursuing your purpose, not others’ expectations.” Others’ expectations can be unrealistic and may even be paralysing, so don’t let the weight of others’ expectations create anxiety or unnecessary stress during this test series.

Philippines 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

How cool is that! Continually remind yourself that the Bible says that you don’t have to stress. Like anything worthwhile, you have to pay the entry fee – which is doing your best! Because if you do your BEST, God will take care of the REST!

“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”

Try your utmost to be better on an ongoing basis.

Beteken dit dat ons maar met ‘n louwarm, gemiddelde poging & prestasie tevrede mag wees. Definitief NIE!  Ons streef na UITMUNTENDHEID (Excellence) in alles wat ons doen.

“If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room”.

Always try to surround yourself with people who can uplift you, improve you and from whom you can learn. And if you are the smartest person in the room, make sure that you uplift, encourage and improve the people in your circle of friends.

I want to remind you of the scripture we read this morning: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Mag elkeen van julle ‘n suksesvolle toetsreeks beleef sonder stress, angs of vrees en dat daar ‘n onverklaarbare rustigheid oor julle sal kom wat alles wat julle wil bereik moontlik sal maak. Ons bid saam:


Deur Kobus Kritzinger

18 November 2010


Almagtige God, ons sien U krag wanneer bruisende golwe met skuimgeweld oor ruwe rotse stry.

Ons ervaar U standvastigheid wanneer branders al vir millenia breek en heen en terug oor gladde strande gly;

ons voel U gees wat soos winde in die veld baljaar en maanhaar oor die see;

ons aanskou U heerlikheid wanneer die somerson oor die stille meer die bergekruin betree.

Hier het U ons skool geplaas – in hierdie dorp, in hierdie land, op hierdie kontinent.

Mag dit van hierdie skool gesê word dat hiér daar hand-aan-hand gestry word teen die euwels van die tyd, dat hiér deug en eerbied gekweek word, saam met ‘n hoop vir die toekoms.

Liefdevolle Vader, mag ons in ons wandel en weë U heilige naam eer.

Mag ons, of ons nou werk, of speel, dit met oorgawe doen.

Skenk aan ons u liefde sodat dit ons optrede teenoor ander net so mooi soos U skepping hier maak.

Verenig ons. Maak ons dapper genoeg om vas te staan by ons beginsels.

Help ons om nie te swoeg onder die beproewings van die wêreld nie, maar te volhard soos Habakuk, tot die dag wat ons U in al U heerlikheid sal aanskou.


Mr MJ Smuts



Thank you for looking so smart during this past weekend! Wow, I was so proud of you and really do think that you have displayed your class during the past week. The number of compliments that I have received have been enormous and, obviously, I cannot take any credit for it. It has all been YOU and our awesome staff.

It all started on Monday with the Tennis and Golf. On Wednesday, the cultural group travelled to Worcester and on Friday we had an awesome experience with the Big Brag and Capping Ceremony. The Chess and Hockey played on Friday and on Saturday we had more hockey, netball and rugby. What a celebration of life!

The movie Jerry McGuire has a quote that I want to rewrite for you. The original says the following, “In life, to be honest, I failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you my kind of success.”

The Hermie version is, “In life, to be honest, I have failed as much as I have succeeded. I love my staff, I love every pupil in blue, white and green. And I wish everyone can experience and see what I have seen.”

Mag julle almal ‘n geseënde week vol oorvloed en vreude hê.

Mr MJ Smuts


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