Galatians 5:22. But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Jou, Peace, Patience, Kindness,Goodness, Faithfulness.
Valentines Day/week
Die week gaan ‘n lekker besige week wees met BAIE aktiwiteiteen ons sal nog later so bietjie praat oor die baie dinge wat dieweek plaasvind, maar ons vier onderandere Valantines DayVrydag. Tydens die week is daar ‘n gelydelike opbou naValentyns dag en dan het ons ook nog die Valentyns Bal Vrydagaand.
While Valentines day is often associated with chocolates, flowersand gifts, at its heart, Valentine’s Day is about love, kindness and appreciation.
Love isn’t just about romance – it’s about friendship, family andshowing care for those around us. A simple act of kindness, a thoughtful word or a helping hand can make somebody’s day brighter.
There are lyrics from a song that says: “love is not a feeling but an act of my will”. Maybe one word of advice…when things go bad in life, look inward first, don’t blame outward. When things go wrong, ask yourself, “what was my part in this?” That often leads to a quicker solution.
So as we approach the day, let’s remember to spread the love –not just with gifts, but with our actions. Whether it is thanking a teacher, helping a friend or sometimes just sharing a smile…these small gestures can make a BIG difference. Let’s make this Valentines Day not just about receiving love, but also about giving love as well.
Dit bring my terug na die bybel vers wat ons gelees het in Galasiërs wat sê dat indien ons die HG in ons het en God se liefde, dan het ons ook so paar ander eienskappe automatiesbinne ons… soos hulle in Engels sê “by default”. They are Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Faithfulness.
These characteristics ARE all within us, but it is up to US to decide whether we want to display them on a daily basis. Met Valentynsdag net om die draai en die week wat op boudaarheen, wil ek jou aanmoedig om intensioneel daaraan te dink sodra jy die woord Valentine’s day of enige weergawe van Valentine hoor. Ek glo diep in my hart dat die HERMIE MAGIC gegrond is op die omgee liefde wat ons vir mekaar het. Soos my vrou gereeld in ons huis sê: “In a world where you can be anything…choose to be NICE”.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for leading by example and forshowing us the ultimate deed of Love by dying on the cross forour sins. Help us to live a lives with an attitude of gratitude, wherewe display these amazing characteristics that you have placedinside of us. Help us to touch lives and through our presence liftpeople up when they couldn’t see the light for themselves.Thank you for YOUR presence in our lives and make yourpresence and love visible in our school. Thank you for all ourtalents and opportunities and help us to share YOUR love withall the people in our lives.