Principal’s Assembly Message 19 February 2024


Galatians 5:22-23 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

The word Hermies has a very special place in my heart…for me and hopefully for most of you as well. When I hear Hermies, I think FAMILY, TOGETHERNESS, a sense of BELONGING and an agreed upon set of VALUES. 

Vandag wil ek graag met die res van die skool deel, wat ons reeds met die Graad 8’s gedeel het tydens hulle orienterings week. Die woord HERMIES kan gebruik word om ons te herinner watter WAARDES ons voor staan, die WAARDES wat ons uitleef en die WAARDES wat ons as skool definieer.

H – Hulpvaardigheid / Helpfulness

Hulpvaardigheid is ‘n waarde en eienskap, waar ons uitkyk en ‘n bewustheid het, om iemand wat hulp nodig het te help. Die kan fisiese hulp wees deur te help dra, skoonmaak, papiere optel of selfs help met advies gee en sinvolle insette te lewer tydens gesprekvoering. 

E – Etiek / Ethics

Ethics is based on well-founded standards or morals of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. It is a strong sense and awareness of right and wrong. 

R – Respek / Respect

‘n Gevoel van bewondering hê…dis dieselfde gevoel wat mens het vir jou helde of selfs (celebrities). Respek in my oë is die tentoonstelling van goeie manière. Dit beteken nie dat, indien jy NIE iemand bewonder nie, dat jy nie respek moet toon nie. Ons respekteer almal met wie ons in aanraking kom, soos asof hulle ons gaste is.

M – Motivering / Motivation

Motivation is an internal state that propels individuals to engage in goal-directed behaviour. It is also close to INSPIRE…getting the best out of the people around you and of course YOURSELF. Lastly, having a positive mindset.

I – Integriteit / Integrity

Dit is baie meer as net eerlikheid. Dit is die regte ding doen, al kyk niemand nie, selfs al sal niemand ooit weet nie. Dit praat oor jou karakter…

E – Empatie / Empathy

Empathy is not quite the same as sympathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. The ability to imagine what someone else might be feeling or experiencing. 

S – Selfdissipline / Self-discipline 

Dit is die vermoë om beheer oor jou eie gedrag, gedagtes en emosies te kry tot voordeel van jouself en almal rondom jou.   

When we enter the school grounds or just during breaks or between lessons…and we see these banners representing the values that we stand for…may that serve as a daily reminder of who we are and the DNA that is flowing through our veins…and also remember Galatians 5:22,23.  


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for another productive week and a very successful weekend. Help us NOT to forget who we are and WHO we represent. The Fruit of the Spirit as well as the HERMIE values, are what you would like us to become. Help us to take ownership of that request and to strive daily to live out those values. 

Thank you for this amazing school with all these amazing pupils and staff. Help us to have an attitude of gratitude and to appreciate the privilege of being in this school.


Mr MJ Smuts


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