Principal’s Assembly Message 16 October 2023
On this first day of a very big week, when we are building up towards interschools, I would like to read to you one of my favourite passages from the Bible. It is 1 Corinthians 13 which is all about love. You might be asking, “Who talks of love when we are about to go into war?!”
Don’t worry, I can talk war and we will have plenty of opportunity this week to talk about the battle of Hermanus vs Gimmies. But let’s first get some perspective, look in the mirror and see who we are – discover our Hermie DNA. Before we assume the battle, we must understand why we go into battle. The Bible (our owner’s manual) mentions all the amazing things you might possess like gifts, talents, privileges and popularity. Then it says, but if you don’t have love, you have nothing!
Korintiers 13
Nou wys ek julle wat nog die allerbeste is:
Al praat ek die tale van mense en engele,
maar ek het geen liefde nie, het ek ‘n stuk klinkende metaal, ‘n galmende
simbaal geword.
2Al het ek die gawe van profesie
en ken ek al die geheimenisse
en besit ek al die kennis,
en al het ek al die geloof om berge te versit,
maar ek het geen liefde nie, dan is ek niks.
3Al deel ek al wat ek het aan ander uit,
en al gee ek my liggaam prys om my daarop te kan beroem,
maar ek het geen liefde nie, baat dit my niks.
The next few verses tell us what this love the Bible speaks about looks like.
1 Korintiërs 13:4,6
Om ander lief te hê beteken om nooit iemand sleg te behandel wat jou irriteer nie; om altyd alle mense so te hanteer dat hulle graag by jou wil wees sonder om bang te wees dat jy hulle sleg sal behandel; om ander mense dit wat hulle het of kry te gun sonder om lelik te wees as hulle dinge het wat jy nie het nie; om nie heeltyd oor jouself te praat en te spog nie; om nie heeltyd te maak asof jy soveel beter as ander mense is nie
Maar liefde het ook grense: liefde kan nooit kant kies vir dinge wat verkeerd is nie. Net so sal liefde altyd net bly wees oor dit wat regtig gebeur soos God dit bedoel het.
So ek wil graag ‘n gedeelte van 1 Kor 13 in Hermie taal oorskryf. Dit klink so…al is jy in die Top 10 maar jy het nie liefde nie, beteken jou prestasie nie veel nie, al speel jy 1ste span Netbal of Hokkie, maar jy het nie liefde nie, beteken daai prestasie ook niks, al is jy die held op die rugbyveld, maar jy het geen liefde nie, is jou held status van geen belang. Al kry jy goud of ‘n A-simbool by die eisteddfod, maar jy het nie liefde nie, is jou kunstige talente van min waarde. Al kry jy erekleure vir Dienslewering, maar jy het nie liefde nie, is jou gebaar van dienslewering maar leeg. Al is jy die mees veelsydigste persoon in die skool en neem deel aan al 4 pilare wat die skool aanbied, maar jy het nie liefde nie…is jou veelsydigheid maar van min waarde.
“But Sir, don’t you want us to aim for the Top 10, try to play for the 1st team one day, excel in all the cultural activities and achieve in the service pillar?”
Yes, of course I want you to do that, but NEVER at the cost of not displaying this LOVE that we are talking about. This love also means loving someone enough that you are willing to look past their imperfections.
Mr Mangiagalli and the 1st rugby team have a custom where they pray before a match or before they travel. When they bind up, they put their hands on each others’ heads to display their brotherly love for each other. Since rugby boys are too macho and tough to say it, they display it with their actions.
To everyone of you sitting here in front of me who are combat-ready and willing to go side by side with his brother and sister to engage in the battle against Gimmies, let your actions show and reveal who you are – your Hermie DNA exposed as your blood flows Green, White and Blue during this week and this coming weekend.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your presence in this specific school, Hermanus High School. When I was born, you gave me the DNA that is aligned with the DNA and values of this beautiful school. Help us to embody, reveal and display the LOVE that we get from you during this week, in everything we do. Help us, and everybody we interact with this week, not to mistake our kindness for weakness. Help us to never forget who we are and to whom we belong. Let us not to get carried away during this week, but glorify Your name in whatever we do.
Mr MJ Smuts